When going to war on foot, my plan was not to come home in a wheelchair. In the battle of Kazakhstan, fellow soldiers and I were pushing forward attempting to take control of a bunker. I managed to step on a land mine; sending me 20 feet into the air and tearing my legs from my torso.
As I am being driven up my driveway, it brought back many childhood memories of playing basketball and how life is so much different now. It seems pointless. Once through my front door, the delightful scents of Yorkshire puddings fresh out of the oven, turkey, and gravy drizzled over the buttery mashed potatoes filled the air. I heard a loud “BANG!” and screamed to my family to “drop and get behind cover”, however, it was just the pots banging together. I had developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder over the past years. Hopefully spending time with family will help reduce the effects and improve my health.
I couldn’t play the video games I had enjoyed deeply before from all the traumatic experiences caught right before my eye from torn-off limbs, sleeping with dead bodies, and. Call of Duty shocked me as well as Rainbow Six Siege, from all the shrapnel, explosions, flashing and gunshot noises coming from the end of barrels. When hearing commanding prompts from games I looked over my shoulder as though he was behind me. It was horrible.